Empowering Greatness

Annual fundraising is the most essential aspect of advancement at Cathedral. These efforts allow us to continue fulfilling our mission to help students achieve their personal best through a diverse and supportive social environment, a robust curriculum of academic, athletics and arts, and opportunities for emotional and spiritual development in and out of the classroom.

Your support ensures we can continue making these offerings accessible to students from all walks of life, attracting phenomenal teachers and providing the space in which we can change lives and inspire new generations to achieve greatness.


We educate hearts as well as minds. This means we strive to endow every graduate with the ability to perceive what actions are needed to make the world a better place, and the strength to bring about those changes.

We thank our generous donors for embracing  the opportunity to build a better Cathedral, and for actively contributing their time, energy and financial resources to make the Cathedral experience the best it can be for students from all walks of life.