Class of 1974


Class of 1974, 

Join us for a weekend of fun as we celebrate your 50 year reunion
with two evenings of fun and reminiscing about your high school years. 

Event details are below -- we hope to have final RSVP numbers by September 6, 2024. 

Click here to register!

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Homecoming Football Tailgate - Friday, September 20th at Butler University
5pm - kick-off
FREE for all to attend!

Homecoming Football Game - Friday, September 20th at Butler University
7pm kick-off
Purchase your homecoming game tickets HERE!

Reunion Celebration - Saturday, September 21st at Cathedral High School
(5225 E. 56th St. Indianapolis, IN 46226)
Enjoy fellowship, music, food, libations, campus tours and lots  of memories.

* New this year: There is a dinner & drink ticket option as well as a drink only option! *

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(AS OF September 9, 2024):

Mr. Dennis M. Achgill 1974 and guest
Mr. Dave M. Allen 1974
Mr. Claude Benson 1974 and guest
Mr. Joseph Breen 1974 and guest
Mr. Jim V. Cook 1974 and guest
Mr. Chris K. Countryman 1974 and guest
Mr. Bill S. Cronin 1974
Mr. Tim Cutshall 1974 and guest
Mr. Steve J. Daeger 1974
Mr. Doug Demaree 1974
Mr. Chris Doherty 1974 and guest
Mr. Dave B. Dugan 1974
Dr. Phil A. Glogoza 1974
Mr. Kevin T. Halloran 1974
Mr. Dave A. Heidelberger 1974
Mr. Joe T. Kelly 1974
Mr. George A. Lauck, Jr. 1974 and guest
Mr. Ed J. Locke 1974
Mrs. Jan Josten LSA 1974 Maci
Mr. Tom P. McNulty 1974
Mr. Tory J. Puntarelli, Jr. 1974 and guest
Mr. Tom Roseman 1974 and guest
Mr. Richard P. Sage 1974 and guest
Mr. Bill Scheibelhut 1974
Mr. Paul Schnieders 1974
Mr. Ron E. Smith 1974
Mr. Jim P. Stark 1974
Mr. Joe P. Storey 1974 and guest
Mr. Brian J. Sullivan 1974 and guest
Mr. Patrick V. Terry 1974 and guest
Mr. Mark Trausch 1974 
Mr. Jim Weimer 1974 


Help us update your contact information or share contact information for your classmates HERE.

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