Proficiency Testing
Sometimes students have completed high school course work during 7th and/or 8th grade and wish to be placed in higher level courses upon entering high school. Usually, these students are looking for placement in math courses and/or world language courses.
Students wishing to gain higher placement in World Languages must take a proficiency test for the courses in which they desire to test out. Students wishing to move on to Spanish II, French II, Latin II, or German II must take the first-year proficiency test.
Students should not attempt a proficiency test in any subject unless they have already taken and passed the course in middle school.
Testing Dates
- Wednesday, June 4; 3:45 - 5:15pm
- Saturday, June 7; 9:00 - 10:30am
- Saturday, June 7; 11:00am - 12:30pm
- Thursday, June 12; 3:30-5:15pm
- Tuesday, June 17; 3:45-5:15pm
Important Reminders for Math Proficiency Testing
Incoming freshmen who wish to be placed into Geometry will take the Algebra I proficiency test. Students who wish to be placed into Algebra II must pass our Algebra I and Geometry proficiency tests. Students who wish to be placed in Pre-Calculus must pass our Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II proficiency tests.
The minimum passing score for all proficiency tests is 85%
Arrangements will be made on an individual basis for those students who are qualified to take the second-year language proficiency tests (to test into third-year language courses) or the Algebra II proficiency test (to test into Precalculus). For information view the Proficiency test resource guide.
. If you have a question about proficiency testing please contact Megan Schmidt (