Athletics in College
The National Collegiate Athletic Association is an organization dedicated to providing a pathway to opportunity for college athletes. More than 1,100 colleges and universities are members of the NCAA. Those schools work together with the NCAA national office and athletics conferences across the country to support nearly half a million college athletes that make up 19,500 teams competing in NCAA sports.
Students must meet academic and amateurism standards set by the NCAA membership to compete in Division I or II. At Division III schools, students must meet the admission standards set by the school for all incoming students and amateurism standards set by the NCAA membership.
Each year many Cathedral High School student athletes have the opportunity to continue playing their chosen sport at the college level. Through discussions and insights from our athletic coaches, students can learn about the possible options available to them in collegiate sports. In addition, the college counseling office provides help with admissions advising along with understanding NCAA academic guidelines. All prospective NCAA student athletes must register with the NCAA Clearinghouse and meet appropriate eligibility requirements to participate in college level athletics. For detailed information about the NCAA, students and families can go to the NCAA Eligibility Center.
Athletics in College Webinar
In conjunction with the NCAA, Cathedral hosted a college athletics information night. Families learned about the different levels of collegiate athletics, academic requirements, time commitments, and more.