We would like to congratulate Issy Cadwell '26, our Holy Cross Student of the Month, and Cece Kasberg, our Holy Cross Educator of the Month. This month, we asked educators to nominate an educator and a student who go above and beyond to exhibit Zeal, our Holy Cross Value of the Year. Issy's nomination read: "Issy is the epitome of Zeal. No matter what activity she is doing - show choir, dance team, math, or religion - she puts her full heart and enthusiasm into every activity. Her energy and excitement is contagious. I have dubbed her the dance team and show choir teams' spirit stick because, without her, there is a huge lack of Zeal. Issy IS ZEAL." When nominating Mrs. Kasberg, educators said, "Cece is always available for her students and is visited sooooo often by older students she taught when they were freshmen. Cece exhibits Zeal in all she does and is well respected by students and colleagues." We're proud of you, Issy and Mrs. Kasberg! (Issy is a graduate of Nativity Catholic School.)