Students can now register for summer school through the Parent Enrollment Portal: https://cathedral-irish.
Principal's Message
Dear Cathedral Parents and Guardians,
I want to pass along my thanks to Bishop Timothy Doherty of the Diocese of Lafayette in Indiana who was with us on Wednesday to celebrate an all-school Mass. Though we physically reside in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis we currently have 145 students from the Lafayette Diocese as Cathedral students!
As we continue this important month of celebration and reflection, I am deeply moved by the opportunity we have to honor Black History Month here at Cathedral High School. This is a time not only to recognize the rich contributions of Black individuals to our society, but also to reflect on the many saints of African descent whose lives of faith, courage, and service continue to inspire and guide us as Catholic Christians.
Saints are more than just holy figures from the past—they are models of how we can live out our faith in the world today. During Black History Month, I encourage all of us to reflect on the lives of several saints, whose witnesses of holiness offer us powerful examples of resilience, faith, and love.
St. Augustine of Hippo
One of the most well-known saints of African descent is St. Augustine of Hippo. Born in North Africa in the 4th century, St. Augustine's journey to conversion is one of the most remarkable in Christian history. He struggled with sin and searching for truth, but through the grace of God, he became a brilliant theologian and bishop whose writings continue to shape Christian thought. His profound understanding of grace and his heartfelt prayers remind us of the importance of turning to God with an open heart, no matter our struggles.
St. Monica
St. Augustine’s mother, St. Monica, is another saint we should celebrate. A woman of great faith and patience, St. Monica prayed fervently for her son’s conversion. (Every parent understands this!) She exemplifies the strength of a mother's love and the power of persistent prayer. Her unwavering faith and hope remind us that God’s timing is perfect, and that our prayers, even when they seem unanswered, are heard by God.
St. Martin de Porres
From the 16th century, St. Martin de Porres, born in Lima, Peru, to a Black mother and a Spanish father, is a powerful example of humility and service. Despite facing racial discrimination, St. Martin worked as a servant in a Dominican convent but became known for his extraordinary charity and miracles. He cared for the sick, the poor, and the marginalized, demonstrating the love of Christ in all that he did. His life challenges us to seek holiness in every vocation, and to serve with love, no matter our station in life.
St. Josephine Bakhita
Another saint whose story speaks to the power of God’s grace in overcoming suffering is St. Josephine Bakhita. Born in Sudan, she was kidnapped and sold into slavery as a child. After enduring unspeakable suffering, she found freedom in Italy, where she converted to Catholicism and became a member of the Canossian Daughters of Charity. St. Josephine’s story is one of incredible resilience, forgiveness, and peace. Her life teaches us that even in the most dire circumstances, we can find hope in Christ.
Venerable Pierre Toussaint
Though not yet canonized, Venerable Pierre Toussaint, born in Haiti in 1766, is another model of holiness and faith. As a young man, he was brought to New York as a slave, but through his deep faith and hard work, he became a successful hairdresser and philanthropist. He generously supported the poor, especially orphans, and was known for his kindness and charity. His life is a reminder that true wealth comes not from material success, but from a heart dedicated to service and love for others.
St. Charles Lwanga and Companions
Finally, we honor St. Charles Lwanga and his companions, a group of young African men from Uganda who were martyred in the 19th century for refusing to deny their Christian faith. St. Charles and his companions were faced with unimaginable pressure and violence, but their courage in standing firm in their faith has inspired generations of Catholics. Their story reminds us of the power of conviction and the ultimate freedom that comes from living for Christ, even in the face of persecution.
As we celebrate Black History Month, let us be inspired by these saints and their extraordinary witness of faith. Their stories remind us that holiness transcends time, culture, and race. They are models for all of us, regardless of our background, of how we can live out the Gospel in our own lives.
At Cathedral, we are blessed to be able to learn from these saints and the rich heritage of Black Catholicism. Let us take this month as an opportunity to reflect not only on the past, but on how we can continue their legacy of faith, service, and love in our own lives. And speaking of legacy, Cathedral has long honored her Holy Cross Value of Diversity and Inclusiveness. Our Holy Cross Values remain steadfast regardless of what's happening in the world around us.
May we, like St. Augustine, St. Martin de Porres, St. Josephine Bakhita, and all the saints of African descent, strive to live lives that bring honor to God and our community.
God bless you all, and may this month be one of deep reflection and renewed commitment to living out our Holy Cross Core Values that these saints exemplify.
God bless,
Mark Matthews
Quick Glance Calendar
Friday, February 7 - Day 3
Office Hours - 8:00 - 8:30 a.m.
St. Andre Project Fair - 10:25 a.m. - 11:10 a.m.
Monday, February 10 - Day 4
Office Hours - 8:00 - 8:30 a.m.
Tuesday, February 11 - Day 1
Wednesday, February 12 - Day 2
Office Hours - 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
Thursday, February 13 - Day 3
Show Choir Performance - 1:25 p.m. - 2:25 p.m.
Friday, February 14 - Day 4 - St. Valentine's Day
Office Hours - 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.
Monday, February 17 - Presidents' Day - No School
Friday, February 21 - ShamrAuction Set Up Day - No School
**Calendar Reminder**
The St. Patrick's Day Parade is Friday, March 14th, 2025. Instead of having March 17th off as previously shared, Cathedral will not have classes on March 14th. Classes will meet on March 17th.
Click here for 2024/25 big event calendar
Click here for information about the Hallow App, a Christian prayer app for the entire family.
Cathedral Specialty License Plate
Cathedral is applying for a specialty license plate. If approved, $25 from each plate would go to Cathedral for tuition assistance. For the BMV to grant our request, we must submit a petition with at least 500 names. We almost made it to 500 last year, and feel confident we'll get all the names we need this time! If you signed last year's petition, we kindly ask you to sign up again. If you would like to commit to purchasing a Cathedral specialty plate if the request if approved, please click here and submit your name and address by Friday, March 21. Go Irish!
Current Parent News
All Juniors must be on campus by 8 a.m. on Wednesday, February 19 for SAT digital readiness. Students and parents/guardians should have received an email indicated where their student needs to report on the 19th.
On Tuesday, March 11th, high school students have an opportunity to attend the Greater Indianapolis Northside College Fair to be held at the Grand Park Events Center from 6:00-8:00 p.m. The event is sponsored by the Indiana Association for College Admission Counseling (INACAC), along with a consortium of high schools on Indy’s North Side, as a way to provide access to college information for local students.
The Cathedral Counseling Department sends a newsletter to parents/guardians at the beginning of each month.
Please click here to read a message from our Mission Integration Officer.
We are seeing an uptick of a stomach virus here at school. Please remember to follow the school policy of keeping students home with any symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, or fever. Students must stay home until they have not had any symptoms, without medications, for 24 hours.
We are so excited for our 48th annual ShamrAuction: It's Electrifying. Cathedral is offering one lucky member of the Cathedral family a chance to win $15,000 via the ShamrAuction Cash Raffle.
The annual candygram sale is here! Candygrams are small bags of candy delivered to the recipients first class of the day with your special note attached. They are available for $1 each or 6 for $5.
Thank you for your continued patience as we address the recent cybersecurity incident. Over the last few weeks, PowerSchool has been focused on assessing the scope of the data involved, making further enhancements to their cybersecurity defenses, and developing a plan to help their clients.
Yes, J-Term just ended, and now planning for 2026 J-Term has begun. There is a new exciting opportunity for Cathedral students to participate in during the 2026 J-Term – a 9-day Grecian Odyssey! This trip will allow students to explore Greece’s rich history, culture, and mythology while creating lifelong memories.
Congratulations to Amelia Buhner '26 on being selected for the Kiwanis Club Circle of Valor! Up to 25 students are welcomed into the Circle of Valor each year for their achievement, courage, and tenacity. Way to go, Amelia!
We have an important video for parents to share with their students if their students are enrolled in AP classes.
Principal Mark Matthews
Submit News!
If you would like to submit information for the Parent Newsletter, please visit
- Senior Parent Info
– School Calendar
– Parent Portal
- Canvas
- Student Handbook
Please click here if you have a prayer request.
Please pray
- For repose of the soul of former Cathedral educator Rick Shadiow. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. Rick's Celebration of Life will be Saturday, February 15, at 11:30 a.m. at Northside Baptist Church on E. 71st Street. Please keep his family and friends in your prayers.
- For Addison, who is at Air Force basic military training. Grant her the strength to endure the physical and mental trials ahead. In moments of weakness, remind her of the purpose behind her service and the greater good it serves.
- A prayer of thanksgiving for Kathy Pivonka's return to the Hill. May she continue on the road to a full recovery.
- For the healing and comfort of football coach, Tony Salati, as he battles brain cancer. May he be comforted by God's presence and power to heal.