Diversity is Everyone's Business

At Cathedral, we are proud of our geographic, racial, religious, learning style, and socioeconomic diversity. All of us are made in the image and likeness of God, and a Holy Cross school makes every attempt to be enriched by God's many gifts.

As the saying goes, “Diversity Is Everyone’s Business.”  Here at Cathedral, we want each student, parent, faculty, staff, and administrator to play a role in this important agenda. There are so many ways our school, families and friends of Cathedral can contribute to our commitment to Inclusivity and Diversity.     

Students can become members of E.M.B.R.A.C.E. Club (Empowering More to Be Representatives Advocating for a Commitment to Excellence) or our affinity groups (Alliance Club, Asian Student Union, Black Student Union, Girl Up, Latino Student Union) with a mission to help students become more aware of their differences, but more importantly learn about similarities that are not always known or understood.    

E.M.B.R.A.C.E. Club also offers students the opportunity to have discussions on key topics on Diversity. Through these discussions, students learn why differences can cause disagreement and separation due to a lack of knowledge and understanding. E.M.B.R.A.C.E. Club, in collaboration with our affinity groups, hosts a "We C You" Movie Series where different films are shown that are selected by the affinity groups. 

In 2024, Cathedral entered into a partnership with Village of Merici, a non-profit  that provides an innovative approach to services for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Village of Merici clients are volunteering in the coffeehouse, allowing them to expand their work skills and give back to the community. Cathedral students operate the coffeehouse. This partnership allows our students authentic, hands-on experiences while introducing them to the unique strengths and contributions of individuals with exceptionalities. 

Throughout the year Cathedral will host other events as well.  Some of these events include school dances, informational luncheons and dinners that include guest speakers from the community and awards ceremonies honoring people who have made contributions to diversity within our school and community.